At 3:08 in the morning, while driving on the freeway, I encountered a 20-foot-long by 17-foot-wide, silver horseshoe-shaped. The UFO had a opaque and elongated bubble on top with three white lights in the middle, on the leading edge. It moved from horizontal to vertical in the sky at under a 100 feet. Then slowly landed in a old agricultural field, and the lights combined into one. I shouted to my then-girlfriend to take a look well she was in a deep sleep waking up instantly.

The UFO must’ve heard me from less than 1000 yards away inside the cabin, my car and reacted the same way the girlfriend did as when she woke up as now both were aware of my presence . It then flew less than five feet away from the driver’s side and then flew backward in-front of my 15 ft U-haul at 65 miles an hour. Only about 20 feet away from the windshield. It glowed like a firefly with a halo colored fuzz surrounding it like a cloud.

It came even closer. I locked eyes with the center white light and it made my eyes feel good. I got the best euphoria I’ve ever had from the what I call “the drug light”. I looked down and I could see inside of every single one of my cells in my arms and legs as were fireworks exploding from the inside out, as domino effect I took over my whole body with euphoria.

Something about the light didn’t give me spots when i looked away but felt good on my eyeballs like a warm tingling on the back of my eye. That’s when I noticed the speedometer of the truck was frozen at 65 miles an hour and my body was paralyzed. Hands locked at 12 and 9 o’clock. I closed my eyes and started a dialogue with whoever was in my mind.

After several feeble attempts to stop thinking, I asked, “What is the universe?” The response came in English, in red letters inside my mind: “All is One.” The UFO then flew off to the side of the road. My girlfriend yelled, “It’s gone!” We pulled over, and the object traveled 50 miles in less than a second, moving faster than 10,000 miles an hour, with no noise—just a bright star on the horizon in an instant.

We got back in the U-Haul after an argument; she didn’t want to see the UFO again, but I was excited and hoped it would comeback and visit again. I joked about the possibility of space girls, to which my girlfriend responded, “Oh great, now I gotta deal with space girls too? We awkwardly drove to Portland, and my obsession with UFOs grew, along with more close encounters and being followed by owls. My UFO art became my therapy to allowing me to draw out the UFOs I’ve seen in the past and recently. I’m proud to share the knowledge I’ve gained from this personal journey.